Wednesday, January 18, 2017

New adventures!

      Holy crap. I actually get to do something dinosaur/paleontology related beyond my goofy little blog that only my friends read. Finally, the free time I murder scrolling through the internet reading science articles and looking at paleo-art will be put to good use!
      It's like a dream come true.

     A couple of days ago I was contacted by a paleontology institute asking if I'd like to volunteer for them as their Twitter Manager. I'm surprised I didn't squeal outright when I was asked, because I about fell over from excitement. I haven't been really part of the field I wanted to go to school for since 2008, when I volunteered at a dinosaur dig closed to my home town. Since then I've been keeping up with the news, doing my own studies and made this blog as my vent for my extreme dinosaur nerdiness.
     Since I have to Tweet once a day about dinosaur/paleontology stuff that's related to Mongolia, this blog is about to get swamped with cool stuff related to the stuff I find. I guess I'm going to do like a Friday recap with all my stuff I found, most of it being Mongolian.
      Not that I'm super complaining, since I adore the hell out of Roy Chapman Andrews and his discoveries out in the Gobi, this is all just more candy for me.

     Since I've only been doing this a grand total of 3 days, I don't have a lot to post about, but I'll share the art that has been my favorite so far and gotten me the most retweets and such.
     For those who read this, I'll post Friday or Saturday with the tweets I put out for the week and the cool stuff I've been digging up. (Haha...digging up.)

     Until then!

Citipati covering her eggs before a sandstorm.
Later her fossils would be calls "big mama"

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