Tuesday, June 6, 2017

SVP Fundraising Stories!

I've been graciously invited to SVP this year to help the Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs run their merch booth. I'm about as excited as someone telling a little kid they're going to Disney Land, and proceeded to jump up and down with glee in the back of my friend's car while we were driving home from the March for Science in Dallas.

I just realized this has been a couple intense months for me. 2017 is turning out to be a pretty badass year.

Anyway, back on point.

Since travelling to Canada (YEAH, SVP is in CANADA this year! WHAT!) is expensive and I'm a lowly hourly worker, my best friend started a GoFundMe to help raise the cash I need. To help boost donations, I started offering dinosaur themed short stories for a $10 donation towards my trip.
The stories can be whatever genre they want and featuring their favorite dinosaur somehow.

Some of the stories are from human POV, other's from the dinosaurs, and have various quarks to them. It's been a blast and I've been having a lot of fun. I've been limiting the stories to about 3 pages so it's not a long epic thing, just a little nugget of fun as a thanks for tossing a couple bucks my way.

I really appreciate everyone who has been able to help out, even if you haven't been able to donate. I know money is tight, but sharing my post and being supportive means the world to me, so thank you all very much.

Here are the links to each story I've written so far. Please enjoy them!

Buddy Cop Request from Shen

Sci-Fi Romance from Thea

Romantic Comedy from Jessica (the formatting for this one was just not having it. Sorry)

True Crime from my mom <3

More to come! I'll update this as I write more.

Donate $10 and I'll write you a dinosaur short story with your requested genre, dinosaurs and whatever fun, silly, ridiculous thing you want to add.

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